Businesses in Northwich have voted with an increased majority once again in favour of a third five-year term for a Business Improvement District (BID).

The proposal for a BID was supported by a majority of 83% and will deliver £1.5million of   private sector led investment to ensure that important events such as the Pina Colada festival and much more are maintained and further developed between 2024 and 2029. 

The majority who voted to support the BID has grown by 34% since the first ballot in 2014. This increase in support to 83% highlights the additional value placed by businesses large and small, including many local small independent businesses who report significant increases in footfall and sales from BID led activities and events. 

This third BID for Northwich will commence on 1st September 2024 after the current term ends on Saturday 31st August 2024.

Since 2014, the Northwich BID has delivered a range of projects, services, and initiatives to help make the town an even better place to invest, work, live and visit. 

The BID activity has been instrumental in attracting tens of thousands of additional visitors, consumers, residents, and investors back into Northwich since 2014, whilst simultaneously reaching out to millions of consumers with positive news and information about Northwich through social media. 

This work has included the delivery of events with Northwich Town Council such as the much sought after Pina Colada Festival and Christmas Extravaganza, investments into cleanliness of the town, strong relationships with Northwich Against Business Crime team, along with a plethora of floral displays and aesthetic improvements and dedicated Marketing and PR support for BID businesses.

The BID has also helped upskill over 600 staff through training courses which are delivered throughout the year and has seen the town receive national recognition from the RHS In Bloom Awards and Visa’s Let’s Celebrate Town Awards.

The yes vote means that the BID can now build on everything that has been achieved since 2014 and start delivering on a new programme of investment and activities through to 2029.

Northwich BID Manager Nikki Halliday was delighted when she received the news and can’t wait to start working on BID3.

“It’s great to know that businesses within Northwich want to see the town continuing to develop and flourish as much as we do and it’s brilliant to receive their support.

“As a team we have seen Northwich go through some extenuating circumstances over the last 5 years with a global pandemic, Brexit, the floods and the changing face of the High Street, but despite this Northwich has positioned itself to rise to those challenges and we are now seeing our Town grow and prosper through the hard work, investment and determination from the BID and its essential partners including local businesses, Cheshire West & Chester Council, Northwich Town Council and Groundwork who manage the operations of the BID. 

 “Thank you to each business that voted and as a BID team we can’t wait to continue working with Northwich’s fantastic businesses and the local community going forward.”

Ellis Wardle, Chair of the Northwich Business Improvement District added “As a business owner myself and chair of the BID Board I’ve really seen the value that having a BID in Northwich brings. Over the past 10 years the town has faced more than its fair share of challenges and the BID team have been instrumental in terms of raising the town’s profile at a local and regional level and supporting us when times have been difficult. It’s fantastic that the town’s businesses have seen the value the BID brings and have voted resoundingly for a further 5-year tenure. I have no doubt that the next 5 years will deliver even greater opportunities for business growth and cement Northwich as the leading market town in Cheshire”. 

Councillor Nathan Pardoe, Cabinet member for Inclusive Economy, Regeneration & Digital Transformation at Cheshire West and Chester Council said:

“I’m delighted that the Business Improvement District in Northwich has been successfully secured for a third term. The investment and delivery of projects and initiatives into the town over the past 10 years has unquestioningly supported all businesses large and small and the partnership working that the BID brokers is something Northwich is rightly proud of. The proposals for the next five years really will ensure that the town is well placed to grow and prosper, and I have every confidence that Northwich BID will deliver.”

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