You may have arrived at this page to confirm that someone with one of our ID cards is who they say they are, below you’ll find the people who may be at our events in Northwich. At events, you may also find people with ID cards that have titles such as ‘Security Team’, ‘Steward’, ‘Medical Team’ or ‘Volunteer’, these may not include a photo as they’re ad-hoc team members. Should you have any concerns about someone who may be misrepresening themselves, contact [email protected].
Adam Gerrard
Northwich BID
Adam will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management, for some events Adam may be the most senior person on site.
Chris Shaw
Northwich Town Council
Chris will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management, for some events Chris may be the most senior person on site.
Jane Hough
Northwich BID
Jane will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management.
Cath Kirwan
Northwich Town Council
Cath will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management.
Karl Brooks
Karl Brooks Photography
Karl is one of our official event photographers in Northwich.
Gina Rimmer
Northwich BID
Gina heads up all the marketing activity for Visit Northwich, you’ll see her in the town at events and visiting businesses.
Greville Kelly
Northwich BID
Greville will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management.
Amy Dawber
Northwich BID
Amy will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management.
Hugh Shields
Northwich BID
Hugh will generally be at an event to support the delivery.
Shirley Blackledge
Northwich BID
Shirley will generally be at an event to support the delivery.
Steff Lease
Northwich BID
Steff will generally be at an event to support the delivery and management.
Jon Houghton
Event Contractor
You may see Jon at our events helping with the delivery.