Thanks for your interest in listing an event on our website, please complete the form below and we’ll review your request.

Please note:

  • Event/Activity listings will only be approved if they’re within Northwich Town Centre/Verdin Park.
  • Listings for commerical businesses who are not part of Northwich BID, may incur a fee to be listed.
  • Listings for events that may impede town centre businesses will not be approved.
  • Our decision whether to list your event or not is final and may be rejected for any reason.
  • Listings on this page do not automatically mean you’ll be included in the printed What’s On guide, we will contact you directly should we want to include a listing in a printed guide.

Your Details

The event name. Example: Birthday party


Event Times to

This event spans every day between the beginning and end date, with start/end times applying to each day.


Create a location or start typing to search a previously created location.

Location not found

Update your address information above to generate a preciese map location.


Event Image