The Northwich Business Improvement District (BID) has launched a campaign that’s designed to help people see beyond the Coronavirus pandemic and also look forward to enjoying normal everyday activities with their friends and family.
Northwich Wishes encourages people to submit a wish to the Northwich BID through the Visit Northwich website or Facebook page outlining an activity or experience they wish they could do right now or haven’t been able to until very recently.
The Northwich BID will then make these wishes come true by liaising with town centre businesses to provide each weekly winner with what they need to carry out their wish.
This could for example be an afternoon tea for friends to enjoy or a family ticket to see a film at the cinema when it is safe to re-open in the future.
As part of the campaign, the Northwich BID are also hoping to inspire people to create their own wish jars at home, with each wish entered becoming a list of activities to look forward to with friends and family when life returns to some form of normality.
Northwich BID Manager Jane Hough has explained more about Northwich Wishes and why the campaign has been launched.

“With everything that’s been going on over the last couple of months we wanted to create a bit of positivity, give something for people to look forward to and in a way chart the progress of the town centre as restrictions ease and the high street returns to something resembling normality.
“We hope that Northwich Wishes will help people focus on the future rather than thinking about what they can’t do right now and we can’t wait to bring a smile to some faces as this campaign progresses.
“We’re also going to be introducing a nomination element a little bit later down the line but more information will be revealed about this in the coming weeks.”
Submit your wish now via the link below.