Northwich is taking part in a new art installation project which is running across the whole of Cheshire West.
Social Butterflies, which went live on Thursday 30th January, is led by Brightlife and Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Cultural Services Team and has received support from the Northwich Business Improvement District (BID).
Northwich BID has encouraged businesses in the town centre to get involved with the project which requires participants to create and display a butterfly on their premises to show that they’re backing the campaign.
The initiative has been created to celebrate Cheshire West becoming an age-friendly borough and to promote inclusivity, as well as fostering an environment where everyone, no matter what age, feels valued.
A butterfly was chosen as the symbol of the project because it represents, in the organisers words, ‘the joy and pleasure to be had by staying connected and active in later life.’

So far Northwich’s businesses have reacted positively to the campaign with Vinnies, Cedar House Orthodontic Practice, Citizens Advice Cheshire West, Northwich Art Shop, Abda’s Café, CRS Consultants and Crafty Stitches all creating their own butterflies.
The best butterfly displayed by a Northwich BID business will go on to receive a prize for its creativity and ingenuity.
It is hoped that more local buildings, shops and offices will get on-board with the project in the coming months and Northwich BID Business Team Co-ordinator Stephanie Leese has explained why they’ve got involved with the Social Butterflies Project.

“Brightlife’s main aim is to reduce social isolation and loneliness which we’re fully supportive of and we’d love as many businesses in Northwich as possible to show that the town centre is a warm and welcoming place where people can come to meet friends, make new ones and enjoy their visit no matter what time of day or night,” said Jane.
“Hopefully we’ll see more and more butterflies popping up around the town centre to promote the message that people of all ages are included, respected and welcomed in the Northwich community.”
The project’s launch ceremony at the end of January was held at Storyhouse in Chester and included a talk on ageing from 84 year old Joyce Williams as well as a feature on combatting loneliness by way of a Haylo Theatre Medley performance.
If you want to keep up-to-date with the Social Butterflies Project then head to the initiative’s Facebook page.