Last week the team at Visit Northwich decided it was time to share the love with chocolate cake. We knew that we had to visit one of our favourite bakers!
So we stopped off to see the team at Vinnie’s, who supplied us with the most glorious cupcakes to share with a few of the extraordinary professional businesses in Northwich…
Vinnie’s is a staple of the Northwich Town Centre, and you have to have some serious willpower not to go in there when you’re out and about. So why not just give in to temptation and visit them? Look at their Facebook page for all the ways you can enjoy the baked creations from the team at Vinnie’s.
CRS Consultants Ltd
The first stop on our Professional Services in Northwich Tour was CRS Consultants, Financial Advisors.
Although Clive (Managing Director) couldn’t partake in a cake, he did let us know that the building is close to its full refurbishment being finished – and that they’re celebrating their 45th year this year!
Congratulations to the team! We’re looking forward to seeing the final results of the refurb.
Butcher Barlow
We also popped into Butcher Barlow, a Legal 500 law firm.
Greg and the team were so warm and welcoming when we popped by to share some cake and have a chat.
It’s clear to see they care about their community and helping the residents of Northwich.
Susan Howarth & Co
Our visit to Susan Howarth & Co, a family solicitor in the heart of the town. We met almost 20 (not even all of them) of the team when we stopped by, and they were more than happy to chat with us about the services they provide families.
We caught some of the team at Mosshaselhurst Solictors just before their day started. It’s never too early for a chat and a chocolate cupcake right?
They shared some insight into Mosshazelhurst…
“We believe that Solicitors should continually aim for excellence and should offer clients a personal but professional working relationship at very competitive rates. We live by our mission statement ‘Exceeding Expectations’ which reflects our reputation for service and excellence”.