Have you set your intention for the year? Perhaps you want to try new things?

We’ve put together a helpful blog which includes some new year resolution ideas and how our local businesses can help you accomplish them!

I want to try Veganuary

Want to give a vegan diet a go this January or at some point this year? There are plenty of places in Northwich that are vegan-friendly. Abda Ltd Coffee Shop, Asda, Wildwood, Kanya Bistro, BEAR and Vinnies are just a few of the places that offer vegan alternatives. That means you’ve got plenty of choice to keep you well-fuelled and happy whilst achieving your new year goal!

I want to help protect the planet in 2022

This year it’s more important than ever to take steps to protect the planet we are living on and adapt to live more sustainably day to day. Simple things you can do is reduce, reuse, and recycle. Which leads us nicely into one shop based on Witton Street that can help you reduce waste – Weigh of the World!

They are a zero-waste shop which means they provide customers with the ability to refill food and cleaning products into their own containers. This means you can buy as little or as much as you want and reducing packaging. They also provide plenty of other items which help you move away from single-use, throwaway items.
Another idea is to support the local charity shops in Northwich – they provide great preloved clothing options as well as other items that you can reuse in your own home.
It’s not just charity shops that offer sustainable items! Shops like Dante’s Boutique make some of their own hand-crafted goods that they sell in store including crystal cage necklaces, knitted scarves and colourful mermaid gloves. Next door, DB2.0 sell reconditioned skateboards.


I want to practice self-care in 2022

Our town centre is BUZZING with hairdressers and nail salons – why not make one of these fantastic places part of your self-care routine in 2022?

I want to support local this year

Well, this is an easy one… We might sound biased, but our town centre is simply the best! We’re full of passionate businesses who all constantly go the extra mile to make you feel at home in the shop and provide you with what you need in your day-to-day life. Remember, you’ve got to get to know your town to grow your town so make sure you pay attention to the businesses that are right on our doorstep.
